Sustainable Development Policy

As a service company, Services d’entretien d’édifices ALLIED (Québec) Inc. has the policy of guiding the conscientious client in their quest for alternatives that do not harm the environment and contribute to the improvement of social conditions. We also want to support innovative companies that have decided to take the path towards spreading a culture of sustainable development in the sector of janitorial services.

The commercial value of sustainable development for our company.

We believe that understanding and integrating the principle of sustainability into our corporate culture and practices will significantly improve our ability to maximize value in the short and long term. The more positive the benefits are at the commercial level, the more our company is incentivized to improve its performance in sustainable development.

Some of the positive benefits of integrating environmental and social considerations into our business strategy include:

• Easier access to different markets
• Improved relationships with stakeholders

• Obtaining and maintaining “social buy-in”
• Recruitment and retention of employees
• Promoting innovation

We believe that corporate environmental innovation aims to make sustainable development a reality in Services d’entretien d’édifices ALLIED (Québec) Inc.